Arthur Fiedler (at piano), abetted by Inar Hanson, left, and George Zasowsky, members of Boston Symphony Orchestra, supply the musical accompaniment for these youngsters enjoying annual Christmas party at the Prendergast Preventorium, Mattapan
Arthur Fiedler (at piano), abetted by Inar Hanson, left, and George Zasowsky, members of Boston Symphony Orchestra, supply the musical accompaniment for these youngsters enjoying annual Christmas party at the Prendergast Preventorium, Mattapan
Item Information
Arthur Fiedler (at piano), abetted by Inar Hanson, left, and George Zasowsky, members of Boston Symphony Orchestra, supply the musical accompaniment for these youngsters enjoying annual Christmas party at the Prendergast Preventorium, Mattapan
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Additional information accompanying item: Fiedler, Arthur Hanson, Inar Zasowsky, Geo Symphony Orchestra Players Dec. 11-51.
Caption: Youthful Carolers Aided in Symphony - Famed Maestro Entertains at Fete - Arthur Fiedler (at piano), abetted by Inar Hanson, left, and George Zasowsky, members of Boston Symphony Orchestra, supply the musical accompaniment for these youngsters enjoying annual Christmas party at the Prendergast Preventorium, Mattapan yesterday. The children sang Christmas carols and songs