Get out the seeds, boys, and prepare to sow some wild oats, for if the above signs are reliable, spring is just around the corner. And judging by recent weather it will be a hot spring here as well as in Arkansas. In the top photo are shown two men in a boat. Well, it’s not a boat but they are rowing. They are, left to right, Tom Bolles, Harvard’s new varsity crew coach, and Bert Haines, Crimson 150-pound crew coach. They decided to dun oars during the first indoor workout of the Harvard oarsmen yesterday. In the bottom photo, Holy Cross battery candidates are shown doing calisthenics as part of their first drill, also yesterday. The players are, left to right, Ed Curtin of Rochester, Dennis Murphy of Worcester, Dave Barry of Lynn, Jack Harris, Frank O’Hearn, Jack Sullivan, Wilfred Lefebre and Clyde Theriault.

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