Letter from Annie Sullivan to the Board of Trustees of Perkins Institution, June 17, 1890
Letter from Annie Sullivan to the Board of Trustees of Perkins Institution, June 17, 1890
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Letter from Annie Sullivan to the Board of Trustees of Perkins Institution, June 17, 1890
Perkins Institution South Boston, June 17, 1890 To the Board of Trustees of Perkins Institution. Gentlemen: I cannot leave Boston without expressing to you the deep sorrow I feel for the wrong impression of my own and Helen Keller's relations to the Institution given an "interview" reported in the Boston Journal on May 17. I consider myself wholly at fault for having seen a reporter at all. But the report does not represent me truly. There it would appear that to me alone is due all the credit of Helen's education; whereas the truth is that the advantages she has had at the Institution during the past year have done more to develop and broaden her mind than any training that I could have given her in years alone. Much as Helen is indebted to the Institution, I am much more so, for as you know, I was educated there; and since Helen has been in my charge I have been encouraged constantly by its director, Mr. Anagnos, and without the help of my Institution friends the work would have seemed an impossibility to me. It was farthest from my mind to speak lightly of my great obligation to my own school, and I beg that though you blame me for indiscretion, you will not blame me for ingratitude. Yours very respectfully, Annie M. Sullivan