Abbot Academy 1962 Cynosure staff: Eileen Schock, Anita Schenck, Marthe Osborne, Nancy Elwell, Kitty Grant, Darcy Wheeler, Abby Von der Hyde, L. Shaw, A. Sample, Diana Kiarsis, Carol Field, Bonnie Blake, Karen Grant, M. Travers, A. Miller
Abbot Academy 1962 Cynosure staff: Eileen Schock, Anita Schenck, Marthe Osborne, Nancy Elwell, Kitty Grant, Darcy Wheeler, Abby Von der Hyde, L. Shaw, A. Sample, Diana Kiarsis, Carol Field, Bonnie Blake, Karen Grant, M. Travers, A. Miller
Item Information
Abbot Academy 1962 Cynosure staff: Eileen Schock, Anita Schenck, Marthe Osborne, Nancy Elwell, Kitty Grant, Darcy Wheeler, Abby Von der Hyde, L. Shaw, A. Sample, Diana Kiarsis, Carol Field, Bonnie Blake, Karen Grant, M. Travers, A. Miller
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