Alden Block, Globe Village, Southbridge, Massachusetts
Alden Block, Globe Village, Southbridge, Massachusetts
Item Information
Alden Block, Globe Village, Southbridge, Massachusetts
William E. Alden had this building constructed in Globe Village, on the west side of Southbridge, to accommodate his dry goods business. The view is of the Alden Block looking in a northeasterly direction. A large brick building with a granite foundation and a flat roof, is depicted. The plain block façade is relieved by decorative stone arches over the windows and by the well-defined corbel table at the cornice. There are retractable striped awnings for two windows and others use interior blinds. Over the main entrance is a decorative gable feature with the name Alden carved in stone. There is a sign hanging perpendicularly from the West Main Street side of the building with the name 'W.H. Bond Dentist' painted on it. On the west side of the building, over the entrance to the cellar, is another sign with the words "Ladies & Gents Restaurant Oysters "This structure is the only brick commercial block of this type in Globe Village. The street is unpaved. A carriage with a retractable canopy is in the foreground. A whiskey barrel is on view to the right. Groups of men are resting against the building. In 1892, J.J. Delehanty & Co. bought the Alden Block and transferred their house-furnishing business to this location. A renovation project was completed, in 2004 and a elevator shaft added. The building is owned by Debra and Peter DesForges - operating a multipurpose business complex.