<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<mods:mods xmlns:mods='http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-7.xsd' version='3.7' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
  <mods:titleInfo displayLabel='primary_display' usage='primary'>
    <mods:title>Video no. 5 showing Lake Massasoit, ca. 1991</mods:title>
  <mods:typeOfResource>Moving image</mods:typeOfResource>
  <mods:genre authority='lctgm' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' displayLabel='general' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm006804'>Motion pictures</mods:genre>
    <mods:publisher>Springfield College</mods:publisher>
    <mods:dateCreated encoding='w3cdtf' keyDate='yes' qualifier='questionable'>1991</mods:dateCreated>
    <mods:languageTerm authority='iso639-2b' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2' type='text' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng'>English</mods:languageTerm>
    <mods:extent>VHS; 00:15:00</mods:extent>
  <mods:abstract>This is one of 5 VHS tapes showing scenes of and around Lake Massasoit. The label on the VHS tape says "Lake Massasoit dub - no. 5". There is sound, but the sound is mostly background noise and seems to not be important to the video. The video is about 15 minutes long and shows a timer at the bottom of the frame throughout. Most are still shots, zooming in and out of a single area. There is a man making a statement at the end, but the man is not identified. The last minute or so is black with no video on it, but the timer continues to play. It is believed that this is raw video that may have been used in the documentary "The Lost River: The story of the Mill River".</mods:abstract>
  <mods:note>In 1809, Lake Massasoit was formed by the army by damming the Mill River. The purpose of the dam was to ensure a constant flow of water downstream for the Springfield Armory “Watershops.” The Springfield Armory was America’s first and last National Armory, formed in 1777 and continuing production up until 1968. The formerly named Watershops Pond has 7 miles of shoreline and covers 186 acres. From 1892-1900, the buildings of Springfield College began to come about, and the name was changed to Lake Massasoit by Springfield College officials. The name came from a local hotel, the Massasoit House, owned by Marvin Chapin, a generous benefactor of the college. In 1920, the college purchased a large area of land on the upper end of the pond, and called it the “Freshman Camp.” Since the college was formed, students, faculty and visitors have used the Pond for sailing, swimming, ice skating and fishing. However, the lake was officially closed for swimming in 1984 when the lake was said to be unhealthy.</mods:note>
  <mods:note>Notes from digitization are as follows, "Begins with color bars with much video dropout - intermittent throughout program. On-screen time code window. Estended black at end.";</mods:note>
    <mods:topic>Springfield College</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Springfield College--Campus</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Lake Massasoit</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Springfield (Mass.)</mods:topic>
  <mods:subject authority='lctgm' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm005754'>
    <mods:topic>Lakes &amp; ponds</mods:topic>
  <mods:subject authority='lctgm' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm000620'>
    <mods:topic>Audiovisual materials</mods:topic>
  <mods:subject authority='tgn' authorityURI='http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn' valueURI='http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7014531'>
      <mods:country>United States</mods:country>
      <mods:continent>North and Central America</mods:continent>
  <mods:relatedItem type='host'>
      <mods:title>College Archives Digital Collections</mods:title>
  <mods:relatedItem type='series'>
      <mods:title>Lake Massasoit Records</mods:title>
    <mods:relatedItem type='series'>
  <mods:identifier type='local-other'>rg149-03-01-24-006</mods:identifier>
  <mods:identifier type='uri'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/20999</mods:identifier>
    <mods:physicalLocation>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:physicalLocation>
    <mods:url access='object in context' usage='primary'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/20999</mods:url>
    <mods:url access='preview'>https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/6395x6882/thumbnail</mods:url>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='license' type='use and reproduction'>Contact host institution for more information.</mods:accessCondition>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='rights' type='use and reproduction'>Text and images are owned, held, or licensed by Springfield College and are available for personal, non-commercial, and educational use, provided that ownership is properly cited. A credit line is required and should read: Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections. Any commercial use without written permission from Springfield College is strictly prohibited. Other individuals or entities other than, and in addition to, Springfield College may also own copyrights and other propriety rights. The publishing, exhibiting, or broadcasting party assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of United States copyright law.</mods:accessCondition>
    <mods:recordContentSource>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:recordContentSource>
    <mods:recordOrigin>OAI-PMH request</mods:recordOrigin>