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  <mods:titleInfo displayLabel='primary_display' usage='primary'>
    <mods:title>Brother Naismith's Game of Basketball, Trowel Magazine article (Winter, 1991)</mods:title>
    <mods:namePart>Williams, Robert W.</mods:namePart>
      <mods:roleTerm authority='marcrelator' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators' type='text' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/cre'>Creator</mods:roleTerm>
  <mods:genre authority='gmgpc' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' displayLabel='general' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm003185'>Documents</mods:genre>
    <mods:publisher>Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts</mods:publisher>
    <mods:dateCreated encoding='w3cdtf' keyDate='yes'>1991</mods:dateCreated>
    <mods:languageTerm authority='iso639-2b' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2' type='text' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng'>English</mods:languageTerm>
    <mods:extent>6 Pages</mods:extent>
  <mods:abstract>An article in the Winter, 1991 Trowel Magazine (Vol. 9 No. 4) titled, "Brother Naismith's Game of Basketball Celebrating its Centennial Year". The article was written by Robert W. Williams, III, Trowel's consulting editor. Only the cover, the title page, and the article itself have been scanned and are shown in this digital copy. The article talks about Naismith, the creation of the game of basketball, the Basketball Hall of Fame and the celebrations being held there, and the fact that Naismith was a member of the Freemasons. He joined the Masons during his time at Springfield College and on April 28, 1894, he was Raised a Master Mason in Roswell Lee Lodge. In Lawrence Kansas he served as Worshipful Master in 1927. The Trowel was published by the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts.</mods:abstract>
  <mods:note>James A. Naismith (November 6, 1861 – November 28, 1939), known as "The Father of Basketball" was born in Almonte, Ontario. When he was nine, both of his parents died of typhoid fever and he was raised by his uncle, who later financed Naismith's way through college. He earned his theological degree from McGill University and graduated from Springfield College, then the YMCA Training School, in 1891. After graduation, he was hired as a faculty member, where he taught for five years. It is in his first year as a faculty member at Springfield College that he created the game of Basketball as an activity for an unruly class. In 1895, Naismith enrolled at the Gross Medical School in Denver and received his M.D. in 1898. In that same year, Naismith took the position of department head of physical education at the University of Kansas, where he remained until his death.</mods:note>
  <mods:note>The whole print magazine was not digitized. Only the cover and the article on Naismith, pages 1-4, and 32, were digitized;</mods:note>
  <mods:note>Is part of the Trowel, Winter, 1991 (Vol. 9, N0 4) magazine (cover, pages 1-4, and 32);</mods:note>
    <mods:topic>Springfield College</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Springfield College--Faculty</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Springfield College--Alumni and alumnae</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Naismith, James, 1861-1939</mods:topic>
  <mods:subject authority='tgn' authorityURI='http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn' valueURI='http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7014531'>
      <mods:country>United States</mods:country>
      <mods:continent>North and Central America</mods:continent>
  <mods:relatedItem type='host'>
      <mods:title>College Archives Digital Collections</mods:title>
  <mods:relatedItem type='series'>
      <mods:title>James Naismith Papers</mods:title>
  <mods:identifier type='local-other'>ms506-01-16-001</mods:identifier>
  <mods:identifier type='uri'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/17405</mods:identifier>
    <mods:physicalLocation>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:physicalLocation>
    <mods:url access='object in context' usage='primary'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/17405</mods:url>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='license' type='use and reproduction'>Contact host institution for more information.</mods:accessCondition>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='rights' type='use and reproduction'>Text and images are owned, held, or licensed by Springfield College and are available for personal, non-commercial, and educational use, provided that ownership is properly cited. A credit line is required and should read: Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections. Any commercial use without written permission from Springfield College is strictly prohibited. Other individuals or entities other than, and in addition to, Springfield College may also own copyrights and other propriety rights. The publishing, exhibiting, or broadcasting party assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of United States copyright law.</mods:accessCondition>
    <mods:recordContentSource>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:recordContentSource>
    <mods:recordOrigin>OAI-PMH request</mods:recordOrigin>