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<mods:mods xmlns:mods='http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-7.xsd' version='3.7' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>
  <mods:titleInfo displayLabel='primary_display' usage='primary'>
    <mods:title>YMCA Standard leaders Club of Federal District of Mexico City, 1918</mods:title>
  <mods:typeOfResource>Still image</mods:typeOfResource>
  <mods:genre authority='gmgpc' authorityURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials' displayLabel='general' valueURI='http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm007721'>Photographs</mods:genre>
    <mods:publisher>Springfield College</mods:publisher>
    <mods:dateCreated encoding='w3cdtf' keyDate='yes'>1918-12</mods:dateCreated>
    <mods:extent>33 x 28 cm.</mods:extent>
  <mods:abstract>This group photograph depicts the Y.M.C.A. Standard Leaders Club of Mexico City, D.F. (Federal District) which was taken on December, 1918. The men shown in the picture are standing and sitting in four rows in what appears to be a gymnasium. It is presumed to be the gymnasium of the Mexico City YMCA. Notice how all the men are wearing the YMCA triangle created by Luther Gulick.</mods:abstract>
  <mods:note>Luther Gulick was the father of physical education and recreation in the United States. Luther Halsey Gulick designed the seal while serving as a faculty member at the School for Christian Workers, now known as Springfield College. Gulick intended the symbol to represent the three united natures of a complete man: physical, mental, and spiritual. In 1895, the YMCA also adopted the emblem.</mods:note>
  <mods:note>A handwritten penned caption can be found on the verso of this picture with the names of those shown in the photograph who include: "From left to right. Upper line: E. Joseph, R. Velazquez, R. Carreno (Y.M.C.A. Box Instructor), L. Navarro, F Lonac (Physical Sub-Director), C. Plandes, S. Flores (Secretary and Treasurer), L. C. Tellez,E. J. Zapata (Vice. President). Second line: Z. Clement, V. Alcalde, J. L. Marin (Associated Physical-Director), At., T. Hernandez, E. C. Aguirre (Physical-Director), A. Lonac, A. Gonzalez, L. Fonseca. Third line: F. Del Canto, A. Fernandez, A. Zepeda, J. L. Gomez (Physical Sub-Director). L. Ochoa, O. F. Castillon (Y.M.C.A. Monterrey, N.L.), M. R. Gomez, P. M. Sosa. Fourth line: G. Sousa, E. Negrete, F. Mendoza (Honorary Member of the Club), M. Olavarria."</mods:note>
    <mods:topic>Young Men's Christian Association of North America</mods:topic>
    <mods:topic>Group portraits</mods:topic>
  <mods:relatedItem type='host'>
      <mods:title>College Archives Digital Collections</mods:title>
  <mods:relatedItem type='series'>
      <mods:title>IMLS YMCA Historical Image Collection</mods:title>
  <mods:identifier type='local-other'>SC18800</mods:identifier>
  <mods:identifier type='uri'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/9950</mods:identifier>
    <mods:physicalLocation>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:physicalLocation>
    <mods:url access='object in context' usage='primary'>http://cdm16122.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15370coll2/id/9950</mods:url>
    <mods:url access='preview'>https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/2z10x884f/thumbnail</mods:url>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='license' type='use and reproduction'>Contact host institution for more information.</mods:accessCondition>
  <mods:accessCondition displayLabel='rights' type='use and reproduction'>Text and images are owned, held, or licensed by Springfield College and are available for personal, non-commercial, and educational use, provided that ownership is properly cited. A credit line is required and should read: Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections. Any commercial use without written permission from Springfield College is strictly prohibited. Other individuals or entities other than, and in addition to, Springfield College may also own copyrights and other propriety rights. The publishing, exhibiting, or broadcasting party assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of United States copyright law.</mods:accessCondition>
    <mods:recordContentSource>Springfield College Archives and Special Collections</mods:recordContentSource>
    <mods:recordOrigin>OAI-PMH request</mods:recordOrigin>