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- Ships2,044
- Harbors1,688
- Sailing ships1,538
- Boats1,037
- Piers & wharves960
- Naval yards & naval stations855
- Constitution (Frigate)749
- Boat & ship industry496
- North and Central America7,609
- United States7,254
- Massachusetts5,418
- Suffolk (county)2,986
- Boston2,696
- Essex (county)961
- Boston Harbor705
- Newburyport641
- Photographs8,476
- Maps/Atlases1,527
- Postcards/Cards983
- Prints798
- Manuscripts239
- Letters/Correspondence218
- Ephemera154
- Documents137
- Leslie Jones Collection3,104
- Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center Collection828
- Press Photography from the Brearley Collection740
- Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection739
- Bill Lane Photograph Collection634
- Boston Pictorial Archive (Collection of Distinction)480
- Mass. Memories Road Show470
- Maritime Charts and Atlases (Collection of Distinction)401