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A. W. Stearns
Artemas W. Stearns was born March 11, 1816 in Hill, NH. At age 11, he was “bound” to a Bridgewater, NH farmer. For his services, he would receive clothing and board and $100 at age 21. At 16, he bought himself out of the contract. He then went on to work in mills in Nashua, Lowell, and Methuen.... more
3. Address by Barry Commoner
4. Admission ticket to the lectures on anatomy and surgery for Robert Thaxter
5. Aerial view from Amherst College tower looking north
Alfred Wayland Cutting Photographs
Alfred W. Cutting (1860-1935), although born and educated in Boston, had a deep connection to Wayland. Five generations of Cuttings had lived in Wayland since the arrival of his great-great-great-grandfather in 1713. His father, Charles Cutting, owned considerable property along Old Sudbury Road... more
American Turners
The American Turners is a national organization founded in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1848 by German immigrants. Our motto, "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body," explains the purpose of the American Turners. We are a family organization, encouraging people of all ages to be mentally and physically... more