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A. W. Stearns
Artemas W. Stearns was born March 11, 1816 in Hill, NH. At age 11, he was “bound” to a Bridgewater, NH farmer. For his services, he would receive clothing and board and $100 at age 21. At 16, he bought himself out of the contract. He then went on to work in mills in Nashua, Lowell, and Methuen.... more
3. Address by Barry Commoner
4. Admission ticket to the lectures on anatomy and surgery for Robert Thaxter
5. Aerial view from Amherst College tower looking north
Alfred Wayland Cutting Photographs
Alfred W. Cutting (1860-1935), although born and educated in Boston, had a deep connection to Wayland. Five generations of Cuttings had lived in Wayland since the arrival of his great-great-great-grandfather in 1713. His father, Charles Cutting, owned considerable property along Old Sudbury Road... more
American Turners
The American Turners is a national organization founded in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1848 by German immigrants. Our motto, "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body," explains the purpose of the American Turners. We are a family organization, encouraging people of all ages to be mentally and physically... more
8. Amherst College Hill from Phoenix Row
9. Amherst Town Common
10. Amherst Town Common
11. Ammi Smith House, North Common Street
12. Amos P. Tapley House, corner of mall and north Common Streets
13. April, 1904
14. B. C. Bookstore (New Entrance)
15. Back of game card 34 from "Characteristics; An Original Game by a Lady"
16. Bancroft Hall Interior of the 1970's
17. Band stand on Common showing Old South Church, Reading, MA
18. [Band stand on Wakefield Common]
19. [Band stand, Wakefield Common]
20. [Band stand, Wakefield Common]
21. Band stand, Wakefield, Mass.
22. Bandstand and Old South Church, Reading, MA
23. Bandstand, High School, Reading, Mass.
24. Bandstand, Lynn Common
25. Baptist Church.
26. Baptist Church.
27. Baptist Church.
28. Beacon St., Boston, opposite Boston Common
29. Berry House and the Man in the Boater
30. Berry House Home to Mr. Johnson
31. Berry House in the Deep Midwinter
32. Berry House with Paul Revere Behind
33. Birdseye view, State House from the Common, Boston, Mass., undated
34. Blanchard House's Story
Book of Common Prayer (Collection of Distinction)
The Benton Collection of Editions of the Book of Common Prayer is one of the most abundant existing collections of its kind. It includes first-edition copies of the first Prayer Book of 1549, King Edward’s second Prayer Book of 1552, Queen Elizabeth’s Book of 1559, King James of 1604, and five... more
36. Boston Common
37. Boston Common (Horse drawn snowplow, pigeons)
Boston Common Trees Album
This collection consists of items from the Boston Common Trees Album collection hosted by Boston City Archives. Information about the items has been provided by the holding institution so that they may be included in Digital Commonwealth.
39. The Bravest of the Brave - General Rosecrans Reconnoitering
40. Bridging the Gorge; ¡Colores!; Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
Brom and Bett v. Ashley
This collection consists of court records filed in the case of Brom and Bett v. Ashley, heard in the Berkshire County Court of Common Pleas in 1781 and appealed to the Supreme Judicial Court for Berkshire County. Included are pleadings, writs, and other documents filed in the Court of Common... more
42. Burn Study
43. Cambridge Common
44. Cambridge Common, Cambridge, Mass., undated
45. Cambridge Common, Cambridge, Mass., undated
46. Carte-de-visite of an unidentified boy and a dog seated on a chair, Newburyport, Mass., undated
47. Cartland house and icehouses, Lake Avenue, (undated)
48. Center School and Old South Church, Reading, Mass.
49. Central Burying Ground, Boston Common, Samuel Chamberlain, The American Scene, 143 Elm Street, New Haven, Connecticut, undated
50. Chemical Engineering
51. Children on the Common, looking southeast from Brick School House, Shrewsbury, Mass., undated
52. Children on the Common, looking southwest, Shrewsbury, Mass., undated
53. Church and high school
54. Classical High School
55. Coaching book belonging to a Chinese man hoping to emigrate to the U.S.
56. ¡Colores!; B-Roll : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
57. ¡Colores!; Common Ground I, Common Ground II, Common Ground III
58. ¡Colores!; Historical Footage : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
59. ¡Colores!; Interview with Elmo Reinhardt, Pt 1 : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico's Historic Highway Bridges
60. ¡Colores!; Interview with Elmo Reinhardt, Pt 2 : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico's Historic Highway Bridges
61. ¡Colores!; Interview with Rina Swentzell, Voiceover 1 : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
62. ¡Colores!; Interview with Rina Swentzell, Voiceover 2 : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
63. ¡Colores!; Rio Grande Gorge Bridge : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
64. ¡Colores!; Rio Hondo Bridge : Spanning the High Desert: New Mexico’s Historic Highway Bridges
65. The Common and Soldiers' Monument, Wakefield, Mass.
66. Common brick in historical and modern American architecture,The Common Brick Manufacturers' Association of America, 121 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,...
67. Common Lane, Prides Crossing
68. Common Park
69. Common Park
Common Reader Bookshop Collection, 1977-1997
Co-owned by Dorothy Johnson and Doris Abramson, the Common Reader Bookshop in New Salem, Massachusetts, specialized in women's studies materials, or in their words, "books by, for, and about women." A couple for almost 40 years and married in 2004, Johnson and Abramson opened the... more