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2. 6th graders in patriotic garb
3. Advertisement for C. Andross, sign painting, location unknown, undated
4. Advertisement for carpeting and upholstery, John H. Pray, Sons & Co., 646-658 Washington St., Boston, Mass., undated
5. American Seal Ready Mixed Paints for inside or outside use, manufactured by Troy Paint and Color Works, Troy, New York
6. Araucana colors, created by Martha Stewart Living and Fine Paints of Europe, New York, New York and Woodstock, Vermont
7. Axel, a Swedish badass
8. Bancroft Hall from behind the Peabody Museum
9. Bay State All Purpose Tinting Color, 20 strong easy-to-mix colors, made by Wadsworth, Howalnd & Co., 141 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.
10. Bay State marvelous new wall and trim finishes, Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Boston, Mass.
11. Bay State Wonder-Tones, the new vinyl interior paint, manufactured by Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Boston, Mass.
12. Bay State Wonder-Tones, the rubber base interior paint, manufactured by Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Boston, Mass.
13. Beverley
14. Billhead for Jordan Marsh & Co., department store, Washington, Summer & Avon Streets, Boston, Mass., dated October, 1894
15. Billhead for Smith & Walker, silver and brass platers, opposite the depot, Concord, New Hampshire, dated December 1876
16. Bonide spraying-dusting guide for vegetables, flowers, fruits, shrubs, shade trees, weeds, crabgrass, etc., Bonide Chemical Co., Utica, New York
17. Bontex scrubbable, non-fading window shades, stay bright and beautiful longer, Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation, Columbus, Ohio
18. Bownes Red Oval Modene the modern finish, Frank Bownes Company, Chelsea and Boston, Mass.
19. Box for J. & P. Coats Best Six Cord Spool Cotton thread, location unknown, undated
20. Box for J. & P. Coats Best Six Cord Spool Cotton thread, location unknown, undated
21. Box for J. & P. Coats Best Six Cord Spool Cotton thread, location unknown, undated
22. Brochure, BPS Interior Floor Paint for interior wood and cement floors, The Patterson-Sargent Co., Cleveland, Ohio
23. Brochure for Alabastine, stone base cement wall coating, Alabastine Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, undated
24. Brochure for Bay State Liquid Paint, made by Wadsworth, Howland & Co, Inc., Boston, Mass., undated
25. Brochure for J. & P. Coats' 6 Cord Machine Spool Cotton, location unknown, undated
26. Brochure for Kyanize Celoid Finish, Boston Varnish Company, Everett Station, Boston, Mass.
27. Brochure for Kyanize Lustaquik Finish, Boston Varnish Company, Everett Station, Boston, Mass.
28. Brochure for Kyanize Varnishes and Enamels, Boston Varnish Company, Everett Station, Boston, Mass.
29. Brochure for Kyanize Varnishes and Enamels, floor enamel, Boston Varnish Company, Everett Station, Boston, Mass.
30. Brochure for the Boston Enamel Paint Company, Boston, Mass., undated
31. Business card for J.R. Baxter, Harmon Wastcoat Dahl Co., paints, colors, varnishes, lead, 941 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated
32. Business card for J.R. Jones, E. & F. King & Co., paints, drugs and dye-stuffs, corner Milk & India Streets, Boston, Mass., undated
33. Business card for Maurice Lebel, J.J. Moreau & Son, Inc., hardware store, Manchester, New Hampshire, undated
34. Business card for Porter O. Robinson, The Arco Company, paints, varnishes and enamels, Cleveland, Ohio, undated
35. Business card for W.W. Tibbetts, The Patterson-Sargent Company, manufacturers of paints and varnishes, Boston, Mass., undated
36. Bust portrait of J. C. Olmsted
37. Calculations and estimates: [Memorandum] Cost of Plastering 3d Coat North, undated
38. California paints, 125 decorator colors, California Paint Division, California Stucco Products of New England, Inc., 169 Waverly Street, Cambridge, Mass.
39. Card, Identification
Cased Photographs
The term cased photograph refers specifically to two 19th century photographic media: the daguerreotype and the ambrotype, and, slightly less accurately, the tintype.The earliest and most important of these processes, the daguerreotype, consisted of a photographic image on a highly polished... more