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2. Barbarians - 1960's Home-grown rock band
3. Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod
4. Bay State Wonder-Tones, the rubber base interior paint, manufactured by Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Boston, Mass.
5. Box, Dennison flower outfits, Dennison Manufacturing Co., Framingham, Mass.
6. Box for Lion Machine Twist thread, manufactured by Seavey, Foster & Bowman, Boston, New York and Chicago, undated
7. Chart of Cape Cod Canal, also approaches in Buzzards Bay and Barnstable Bay
8. Color sample for Averill Paint, manufactured by The Taylor Paint & Oil Co., New York and Boston, undated
9. "Corrected Chart of Cape Cod Canal" toll schedule
10. Correspondence: Correspondence on Organization chart for 1974 FAMOUS Program.
11. Correspondence: Minutes of the AD Hoc Committee to Discuss Possible Joint CNEXO-WHOI Program for Submersible Study of Mid Atlantic Rift Valley.
12. Creo-Dipt Stained Shingled Homes, Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, New York
13. Designing data for reinforced concrete, North Western Expanded Metal Co.
14. "Dr. S. Weir Mitchell's clinic at the Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, Philadelphia, January, 1902."
15. Gedenkwaerdig bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de kuste en in het keizerrijk van Taising of Sina : behelzende het tweede gezandschap aen den...
16. Group B streptococcus Type II vaccine lot
17. Health brownie's message to you, National Dairy Council, Chicago, Illinois, undated
18. Hispanic Presence In Oregon
19. Historic colors, Pittsburgh Paints, PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
20. How to use your Kenmore Electric Rotary Sewing Machine, Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Illinois
21. Hull quadrangle, Massachusetts--Middlesex Co. / Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey
22. Interview with Ben E. King, American soul and R&B singer and record producer
23. Interview with Brenda Lee, American rockabilly, pop and country singer
24. John Osborne Austin Family History chart, May 26, 1891
25. List of CURAC chairmen and delegates and organizational chart of the Washington Park Citizens Urban Renewal Action Committee
26. Long Pointer - 2007 - Charting Our Course
Map and Chart Collection
The Map and Chart Collection includes maps, nautical charts, and surveys from the greater New Bedford area and the world. Important records in this collection include recreations of survey maps of the Old Dartmouth area drawn from the field notes of Benjamin Crane, made 1710-1793, which provide... more
Maritime Charts and Atlases (Collection of Distinction)
A significant component of the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center's pre-20th-century cartographic holdings is an extensive collection of nautical charts and atlases pertaining to the world and particularly North America. The core of this collection consists of 25 atlases dating from the 17th and... more
29. Mike Dee's LP
30. Monthly rentals chart , [New York City], 1887
Nautical Chart Collection of the Chatham Historical Society
This collection consists of nineteenth century nautical charts used by Chatham sea captains on their costal and trans-oceanic voyages. It features several charts produced by George Eldridge and his son, George W. George Eldridge, born in Chatham in 1821, established one of the two most... more
32. New American reading charts for elementary instruction, J.H. Butler & Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, undated
New Bedford Whaling Museum Nautical Charts
Included among this set are examples of nineteenth century nautical charts held in the New Bedford Whaling Museum's collection. Some consist of hand-drawn manuscripts plotting movements along specific whaling grounds, while others include annotated voyage tracks of a given whaling voyage with... more