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Your search: cats Remove constraint cats Date Unknown Remove constraint Date: UnknownSearch Results
2. Pride Cat
3. The Black Cat
4. Black Cat Cafe
5. Pearl and Cat
6. Unidentified Cat Boat
7. Cat - Griz Food Drive
8. Cat Adoption at PetSmart
9. Group Portrait with Cat
10. Tabby Cat Tea Room
11. Tabby Cat Tea Room
12. In Memoriam: The Black Cat
13. Cat Got Your Tongue Fundraiser
14. Chrysti The Wordsmith: Cat Words
15. Neuter Clinics for Feral Cats
16. Portrait of a Black Cat
17. Aunt, boarder, and friend with cat
18. Cat-Griz Food Drive at MSU
19. Cats at Livingston Arts Center NS
20. Chrysti The Wordsmith: Raining Cats & Dogs
21. Chrysti The Wordsmith: The Cat's Pajamas
22. Cat's Classic Race at MSU JS/RH
23. Charles Michael Dietrich and Fluffy the cat
24. Chrysti The Wordsmith: Curiosity Killed the Cat
25. Bridge, Annisquam, Geo W. Harvey and His Cat
26. A Photograph of Billie Loba and a Cat
27. Group portrait of four unidentified men with cat, undated
28. "Katy at Berwick" with cat Togo, South Berwick, Me.
29. Chrysti The Wordsmith: Let The Cat Out of the Bag
30. Interior view of the Tabby Cat Tea Room, Wenham, Mass., undated
31. CDA Prevalence in groups of cats studied in Feline Leukemia Virus research
32. Retired RUC Officer Bob "the Cat" Catterson. Now known for his photography skills
33. Retired RUC Officer Bob "the Cat" Catterson. Now known for his photography skills
34. Trade card for Dove e il gatto? [Where is the cat?], location unknown, undated
35. John R. Dyer with his parents, John B. and Louisa Dyer, and cats, 'Jewel' and 'Blossom'
36. Trade card for the Black Cat Antique Shop, the Antique Paint Shop, Woodbridge-Short House, 48 Bridge Street, Salem, Mass., undated
37. Alle de wercken van den Heere Jacob Cats ; ridder, oudt raadtpensionaris van Hollandt. & c. de laatste druk; waar in het twee-en-tachtig jaarig leeven des dichters...
38. Trade card for the Island House, Lowell Island, Mass., undated
39. Correspondence
40. Correspondence
41. Correspondence
42. Correspondence
43. Print, Photographic
44. Print, Photographic
45. Drawing
46. Correspondence
47. Full-length portrait of a child, standing, facing front, holding a kitten, location unknown, undated
48. Correspondence
49. Correspondence
50. Correspondence
51. Print, Photographic
52. Trade card for Spurlock's No. 5 bluing, location unknown, undated
53. Trade card for M.C. Cowan & Co., millinery, 129 Main Street, Biddeford, Maine, undated
54. Correspondence
55. Spiegel van den ouden ende nieuvven tijt : Van nieus oversien, vermeerdert, en verbetert
56. Trade card for B.T. Babbitt's Best Soap, New York, New York, undated
57. Trade card for D.B. Stetson, boots & shoes, Washington Street, Quincy, Mass., undated
58. Trade card for Standard Java, coffee, Chase & Sanborn, Boston, Mass. and Montréal, Canada, undated
59. Trade card for D.B. Stetson, boots & shoes, Washington Street, Quincy, Mass., undated
60. Print, Photographic
61. Morse's Ladies' and Gents' Dining Rooms, 9 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass., undated
62. Trade card for T.E. Griswold, restaurant and billiard rooms, 361 Main Street, Fitchburg, Mass., undated
63. Trade card for Geneva Hand Fluter, Kane Co., Geneva, Illinois, undated
64. Trade card for Wood, Bicknall & Potter Co., aluminum novelties, 359 to 369 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated
65. Trade card for R. & J. Gilchrist, importers and dealers in dry goods, 5 & 7 Winter Street, Boston, Mass., undated
66. Trade card for R. & J. Gilchrist, importers and dealers in dry goods, 5 & 7 Winter Street, Boston, Mass., undated
67. Trade card for flour, produced by Washburn, Crosby Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
68. I’m A Boy!
69. Trade card for R. & J. Gilchrist, importers and dealers in dry goods, 5 & 7 Winter Street, Boston, Mass., undated
70. Trade card for Washburn, Crosby Co's. Flour, Minneapolis, Minnesota, undated
71. Trade card for Brook's Spool Cotton, location unknown, undated
72. Trade card for J.B. Quinn and Co., holiday gifts, Gardner, Mass., undated
73. Trade card for R.A. Spalding & Co., dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, 7 and 9 Market Street, Lynn, Mass., undated
74. Trade card for Stickney & Poor's Mustards, Spices and Extracts, 205 and 207 State Street, Boston, Mass., undated
75. Trade card for R. Johnson, sample boots and shoes, 106 Pleasant Street, Boston, Mass., undated
76. Trade card for D.B. Stetson, boots, shoes and slippers, Quincy, Mass., undated
77. Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tydt, : bestaande uyt spreekwoorden, ontleent van de voorige en jegenwoordige eeuwe, verlustiget door meenigte van sinnebeelden, met...
78. Handbill for Hood's Sarsaparilla, C.I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated
79. Jose Sarria & Hazel McGinnis
80. Proteus, ofte, Minne-beelden verandert in sinne-beelden
81. Trade card for The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 92 Court Street, opposite Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass., undated
82. Zoology
83. Zoology
84. Trade card for the New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass., undated
85. Card, Greeting
86. Felines from Feline Leukemia Virus Research
87. Trade card for Boston Branch Store, pharmacy, Robertson Block, Quincy, Mass., undated
88. Trade card for Curtis & Mitchell, self-inking presses, 15 Federal Street, Boston, Mass., undated
89. Trade card for Animal Arts, Inc., hand carved miniatures, Room 514, 755 Boylston Street, Boson, Mass., undated
90. Trade card for singing dolls, O.H. Leach & Co., dealers in musical instruments, 578 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated
Marie Phillips Collection
For many years, the UMass Amherst campus was home to several colonies of feral cats that took up residence in its barns and outbuildings, and beginning with Leo V. Robinson in 1945, a succession of individuals were moved to feed and care for the cats. An alumna and employee in Human... more