Search Results
6522. Pine Grove Cemetery Drive
6523. Pine Grove Cemetery conservatory
6524. Floating Bridge from corner of Eastern and Western Avenue
6525. Pine Grove Cemetery : tomb
6526. Western Burying Ground from corner of South Common and Elm Street
6527. Western Burying Ground from South Common Street
6528. Western Burying Ground : Burchstead headstone
6529. Western Burying Ground : tombs
6530. Western Burying Ground : Moll Pitcher grave
6531. Western Burying Ground : John Jagger headstone
6532. Western Burying Ground : John Flagg headstone
6533. Western Burying Ground : John Clifford headstone
6534. Western Burying Ground : John Burrill headstone
6535. Lynn Memorials and Cemeteries
This collection consists of items from the Lynn Memorials and Cemeteries collection hosted by Lynn Public Library. Information about the items has been provided by the holding institution so that they may be included in Digital Commonwealth.
6536. Carnival parade, Market Street, looking toward City Hall Square
6537. July 4th parade
6538. American Legion degree team, Post 6
6539. Lynn Parades and Events
This collection consists of items from the Lynn Parades and Events collection hosted by Lynn Public Library. Information about the items has been provided by the holding institution so that they may be included in Digital Commonwealth.