21. Accomplishments List - January-July 1983-Missy Creator: Grealy, Missy Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: 1983 Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
22. Accomplishments March - August 1983 Creator: Canova, Tim Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: 1983 Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
23. Accomplishments of the UN and its specialized agencies Creator: Office of Representative Paul E. Tsongas Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: [ca. 1978] Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
24. Act establishing the Lowell Development and Financial Corporation Creator: Massachusetts Senate and House of Represenatatives Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: [ca. 1979] Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
25. Act to provide for a plan for the preservation, interpretation, development, and use of the historic, cultural and architectural resources of the Lowell Historic Canal... Creator: Cronin, Paul W. Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: January 4, 1975 Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
26. Actors in amendment of motor vehicle info etc. act. Creator: Office of Paul E. Tsongas Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: [ca. 1976] Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
27. Ad: Senator Tsongas, Opening Statement by Senator Concerning Access to Education Creator: Tsongas, Paul E. Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: [ca. 1979] Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
28. Addendum to notice to add Charles F. Meissner to list of nominees Creator: [unsigned] Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: September 8, 1980 Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
29. Addition to Wrangell-St. Elias Wilderness Possible amendment to counter deleting amendment by Don Young Creator: Hession, Jack Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: March 13, 1978 Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
30. Additional comments for the record of the Subcommittee on National Parks and Insular Affairs: H. R. 10970 Creator: Tsongas, Paul E. Format: Documents Collection: Paul Tsongas Digital Archives Date: [ca. 1977] Institution: University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries