Marolles, Michel de, 1600-1681, Brebiette, Pierre, 1598?-1642, Favereau, Jacques, 1590-1675, Bloemaert, Cornelis, 1603-1692, Diepenbeeck, Abraham van, 1596-1675, Matham, Jacob, 1571-1631, and Chapin Library
Livy (author), Verrius Flaccus, Marcus (writer of added commentary), Glareanus, Henricus, 1488-1563 (writer of added commentary), Sigonio, Carlo, 1524?-1584 (writer of added commentary), Valla, Lorenzo, 1406-1457 (writer of added commentary), Rhenanus, Beatus, 1485-1547 (writer of added commentary), Velcurio, Joannes, -1607 (writer of added commentary), Morello, Teodorico, active 16th century (writer of added commentary), Sabellico, 1436?-1506 (writer of added commentary), Gelen, Sigmund, 1497-1554 (writer of added commentary), Saxonius, Johannes, -1561 (writer of added commentary), Godelevaeus, Wilhelm (writer of added commentary), Leto, Giulio Pomponio, 1428-1497 (writer of added commentary), Marliani, Bartolomeo, -1560 (writer of added commentary), Victor, Publius (writer of added commentary), Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505 (writer of added commentary), Negri, Stefano, approximately 1540 (writer of added commentary), Grellius, Joachim (writer of added commentary), and Amman, Jost, 1539-1591
Rutland, John Henry Manners, Duke of, 1778-1857, Rutland, Elizabeth Manners, Duchess of, Hullmandel, Charles Joseph, 1789-1850, and Harding, James Duffield, 1798-1863