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- Streets10,126
- Churches7,281
- Historic buildings3,575
- Houses2,738
- Buildings1,704
- Trees1,370
- Cities & towns1,086
- Families963
- North and Central America20,822
- United States20,739
- Massachusetts18,562
- Suffolk (county)6,823
- Boston6,486
- Essex (county)4,754
- Middlesex (county)2,178
- Lawrence1,599
- Photographs18,980
- Postcards/Cards3,218
- Manuscripts1,585
- Maps/Atlases1,538
- Prints844
- Drawings/Illustrations270
- Documents182
- Ephemera147
- Leon Abdalian Collection5,463
- Bill Lane Photograph Collection1,309
- Samuel Chamberlain Photograph Negatives Collection, 1928-1971, undated1,298
- Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection1,226
- Boston Pictorial Archive (Collection of Distinction)1,149
- Arthur Griffin Photographs903
- Leslie Jones Collection727
- Lawrence, Mass. Engineering Department. City Sewers720