De Lazara, Nicoló, -1423, Cheney, C. R. (Christopher Robert), 1906-1987, Clough, Cecil H., Hyde, John Kenneth, Medin, Antonio, conte, 1857-1930, Bernard Quaritch (Firm), and Dominic Winter Auctioneers
Aldegati, Marcantonio, active 14th century, Gonzaga, Francesco, 1444-1483, Sneyd, Walter, 1809-1888, Schab, William H., Sotheby's (Firm), and Art ancien S.A.
Parroco di Taviano, Luigi Bruno, active 20th century, Libri, Edoardo, active 20th century, Saluti, Tomasso, active 20th century, Pandolfini (Firm), and That Guy with the Books
Clare, of Assisi, Saint, 1194-1253, John, of Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456, Nicholas, of Cusa, Cardinal, 1401-1464, Eugene IV, Pope, 1383-1447, Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Marie, de Albano, Marie Cleophe, de Sollario, Martini, J., Griscom, Acton, 1891-1961, Gottschalk, Paul, 1880-1970, and Lathrop C. Harper, Inc.
Juana, la Loca, Queen of Castile, 1479-1555, Almazán, Sancho de, Cámera, Juan de, H.P. Kraus (Firm), Arenas de San Pedro (Spain). Consejo, and Spain. Consejo Real de Castilla