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- Churches7,281
- Public libraries1,791
- Buildings1,419
- Boston Public Library1,323
- Houses991
- Neighborhoods819
- Cities & towns740
- Streets647
- North and Central America14,555
- United States14,531
- Massachusetts13,178
- Suffolk (county)10,200
- Boston10,033
- Back Bay2,054
- Boston Public Library1,072
- Essex (county)753
- Photographs12,581
- Postcards/Cards1,486
- Prints1,087
- Drawings/Illustrations349
- Newspapers203
- Documents137
- Paintings106
- Ephemera71
- Boston Pictorial Archive (Collection of Distinction)8,929
- Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection882
- Arthur Griffin Photographs553
- Leslie Jones Collection515
- Samuel Chamberlain Photograph Negatives Collection, 1928-1971, undated427
- Bill Lane Photograph Collection296
- Leon Abdalian Collection273
- Parker Collection232