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- Churches7,281
- Schools5,709
- Students1,607
- Buildings891
- Floods611
- Universities & colleges596
- Springfield College545
- Demonstrations532
- North and Central America13,413
- United States13,373
- Massachusetts11,589
- Suffolk (county)3,221
- Boston3,103
- Berkshire (county)2,246
- Lee1,971
- Essex (county)1,567
- Photographs10,557
- Postcards/Cards2,362
- Periodicals533
- Prints507
- Documents388
- Drawings/Illustrations244
- Ephemera141
- Newspapers122
- Lee Library Historical Photograph Collection2,189
- Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection1,314
- Boston Pictorial Archive (Collection of Distinction)837
- Bill Lane Photograph Collection758
- Press Photography from the Brearley Collection720
- Arthur Griffin Photographs560
- Springfield College Alumni Magazines529
- Samuel Chamberlain Photograph Negatives Collection, 1928-1971, undated528