Front cover of L'Assiette au Beurre, a French satirical magazine with the image of two men, one wearing a sign that reads "Blind from Birth" in French, and the other leaning towards him in conversation.
Samuel P. Hayes Research Library, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA
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Text from item: L'Affaire De Hull. -- Voulez-vous gagner 5000 roubles?.. Venez temoigner qu'il y avait des Japonais a Hull. --Mais je suis aveugle!... --Ca ne fait rien, Rodjestvinsky dira que vous etiez premier orgue dans son orchestre et qu'une torpille vous est entree dans l'oil.Translation: The Case of Hull. - Want to earn 5000 rubles? .. Come testify that there were Japanese in Hull. - But I'm blind! ... - It does not matter, Rodjestvinsky will say that you were the first organ in his orchestra and a torpedo hit you in the eye.