Holograph, signed.
The beginning of this letter is missing.
Joseph Ricketson writes that Lieutenant Paine was ordered to Fort Schuyler near New York. Benjamin R. Almy, who purchased Thomas R. Robeson's house, and who is "one of our wealthy and most excellent citizens," died suddenly. Joseph Ricketson says "our good city has been very quiet this winter---there has not been a single party to my knowledge." According to a report, this is the day on which Fort Sumter is to be attacked. Major [Robert] Anderson has acted nobly and humanely thus far in not occasioning the loss of live[s]." Joseph Ricketson expresses the convictions of his Quaker faith. He is thankful to have Mr. Potter as his preacher. He regrets that William Lloyd Garrison is so feeble. An Englishman who heard Wendell Phillips a few weeks ago pronounced him the greatest orator he ever heard.