De meditatione passionis christi per septem diei horas libellus ... etc. : in Latin and Italian
Item Information
- Title:
- De meditatione passionis christi per septem diei horas libellus ... etc. : in Latin and Italian
- Title (alt.):
De meditatione passionis christi per septem diei horas libellus
- Title (uniform):
Soliloquia animae ad Deum
- Description:
Volume containing 3 popular medieval devotional works. The first is the 14th-century Meditatio passionis Christi per septem diei horas, here attributed to Bernard (of Clairvaux) though more generally attributed to Pseudo-Bede. There follow the Soliloquies traditionally attributed to Augustine, and an Italian translation of the Stimulus amoris, a work with many textual variants, here attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux but now generally regarded as the work of Jacopo da Milano.
- Author:
- Pseudo-Bede
- Contributor:
- Giacomo, da Milano
- Attributed name:
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
- Attributed name:
- Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153
- Attributed name:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Contributor:
- Pseudo-Augustine
- Date:
[ca. 1450]
- Format:
- Genre:
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Italy
Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy
humanistic scripts
Goatskin bindings
Wooden boards
Dates (Provenance)
- Location:
Boston Public Library
Rare Books Department - Collection (local):
Medieval and Early Renaissance Manuscripts (Collection of Distinction)
- Places:
- Extent:
- 60 leaves : parchment, ill. ; 115 x 72 (62 x 48) mm bound to 12 cm in box 13 cm
- Permalink:
- Terms of Use:
No Copyright - United States
No known copyright restrictions.
No known restrictions on use.
- Place of origin:
- Language:
- Table of Contents:
1. fol. 1-14: [Ps-Bede, De meditatione passionis christi per septem diei horas libellus]: In comincia le divote e melifluose meditatione del divotissimo sancto bernardo/ SEPTIES IN/ die laudem dixi tibi. Rogasti me.../ sedebus ibi iuxta eum ad monumentum et recommendabus te sibi amore eiusdum domini nostri ihesu christi Qui vivit et regnat in secula seculorum Amen.
2. fol. 14v: blank.
3. fol. 15-36: [Ps-Augustine, Soliloquiorum animae ad deum], in Latin and Italian (switches to Italian in the middle of fol. 28v, lacking the final two chapters, i.e. 36 and 37): AGNOS/CAM TE/ Domine cognitor meus. Cognoscam te vir tuus agnime mee. Ostende te mihi..../..securi al porto de salute/ DEO GRATI/AS Amen/ Referamus gratia/ Christi domini/ nostri deo/ gratias.
4. fol. 36v-47v: In comincia el libro de lo stimolo de lamore del divoto doctore msr sancto bernado albate de labadia di chiaiavale.../Al buono et sopri buono mio.../...con lo puro chio del core in eterno et ultra/ [fol. 47v] Questa e una meditacione de sancto bernardo/ Alainone ne suo proverbii capitulo viiie per la alanima in persona dedio et dice delitie me [ ] cum filiis hominus Amen.
5. fol. 48-53: Office of Corpus Christi (in Latin)
6. fol. 53-58: Prayer in praise of the Virgin (in Italian): Laude singular de la vergene maria e del dolore che essa sostene ne la passione de christo/ [ ]ta apersso alla croce.../... le cose del mondo.
7. fol. 58v-60v: blank, except for "Laus deo/ finis" on fol. 60v.
- Notes:
Ms. codex.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based primarily on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Title devised by cataloger.
Origin: Written in Italy in the mid-fifteenth century. The first text is attributed to Bernard in the manuscript, although the accepted attribution is "Pseudo-Bede." The second text, the Pseudo-Augustinian Soliloquiorum animae ad deum, begins in Latin and switches to Italian mid-sentence on the fourth line of folio 28v, in the middle of chapter XIV (see Opera Omnia, col. 1277, line 4). The Soliloquiorum is known to have been translated into Italian three times in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the translations known as A, B, and C (see Esnos). The present (partial) translation is most similar to translation C, and appears to be an abbreviated version, ending with Chapter 35 (of 37). This translation is the most rare, previously known in only two manuscripts, both from the fifteenth century: Bologna, University of Bologna Ms 201 and Parma, Bibl. Palatina, Parm. 1107.
- Notes (ownership):
Provenance: Early inscriptions on folio i: "Aquistato a di 21 Julio/1777"; and 59v [illegible].
- Notes (acquisition):
Immediate source of acquisition: Acquired by BPL in 1953.
- Notes (object):
Secundo folio: ...dominus erit presens...
Collation: Parchment, fol. ii (heavy parchment flyleaves) + 60 ; 1-6¹⁰ ; modern arabic pencil foliation, upper outer corner of each page.
Layout: Single column, 23 lines. Bounding and writing lines in light plummet.
Script: Written in a humanistic bookhand in black ink with red rubrics (beginning at fol. 29v, i.e. ch. 15 of the Soliloquiorum).
Decoration: Seven-line initials throughout, beginning at folio 17, in blue with red filigree with blue and red filigree into margin, with birds and decorative penwork; eight 8-line initials in colors on gold with elaborate floriate half-borders, one at the beginning of each Book of the Meditationes; 10-line initial on fol. 1 in colors on gold with acanthus and sprays in inner margin, historiated with a portrait of St. Bernard holding a book and gazing upward; 14-line initial in similar style on fol. 15 historiated with St. Augustine holding a crozier.
Binding: 16th-century? blind-stamped goatskin over wooden boards, interlace border and center panel, evidence of clasp on fore-edge, no pastedowns or flyleaves; housed in later calf pull-off case, lined with red velvet, title gilt on spine: "S[an]c[t]o Berna[r]do/ Meditatione/ Stimola de lamore/ Ms. xv sec." Remnants of BPL label with old number in paper on front edge of box.
- Notes (bibliography):
Bibliography: Pseudo-Bede: Patrologia latina: 94:561-568. ; Pseudo-Augustine: Sancti Aurelii Augustini...Opera Omnia (Paris, 1837), VI: 1262-1308 ; Geneviève Esnos, "Les traductions médiévales françaises et italiennes des Soliloques attribués à Saint Augustin," Ecole française de Rome. Mélanges d'archéologie et d'Histoire 79 (1967): 299-366.
- Notes (language):
In Latin and Italian.
- Identifier:
- Call #:
RARE BKS MS q Med.198
MS 1553 (no longer used)
- Barcode:
- Primary (full resolution, uncompressed)(TIF, multi-file ZIP, 6.26 GB)
- Large (full resolution)(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 56.6 MB)
- Medium(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 10.6 MB)