[W]Ir Maximilian von gottes gnaden Romischer kunig zů allentzeiten Merer des Reichs Ertzherzog zů Osterreich Hertzog zu Burgundi zů Brabant zű Gheldern, &c. ...
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[W]Ir Maximilian von gottes gnaden Romischer kunig zů allentzeiten Merer des Reichs Ertzherzog zů Osterreich Hertzog zu Burgundi zů Brabant zű Gheldern, &c. ...
Item Information
- Title:
- [W]Ir Maximilian von gottes gnaden Romischer kunig zů allentzeiten Merer des Reichs Ertzherzog zů Osterreich Hertzog zu Burgundi zů Brabant zű Gheldern, &c. ...
- Title (alt.):
Wir Maximilian von gottes gnaden Romischer kunig zů allentzeiten Merer des Reichs
- Title (uniform):
Ausschreiben betreffend die Reichshilfe gegen die Niederländer
- Creator:
- Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1459-1519
- Addressee:
- Ludwig II, Graf von Isenburg-Büdingen, 1422-1511
- Former owner:
- Stiebel, Heinrich, 1851-1928
- Auctioneer:
- Joseph Baer (Firm)
- Former owner:
- J. Halle Antiquariat
- Former owner:
- Jacques Rosenthal (Firm)
- Auctioneer:
- Cheffins (Firm)
- Former owner:
- Bernard Quaritch (Firm)
- Printer:
- Schöffer, Peter, approximately 1425-approximately 1502
- Date:
- Format:
- Genre:
Blank forms
- Location:
Boston Public Library
Rare Books Department - Collection (local):
Incunabula (Collection of Distinction)
- Subjects:
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1459-1519
- Places:
Germany > Rhineland Palatinate > Mainz
- Extent:
- 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 312 x 442 mm (full-sheet)
- Permalink:
- https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/pr76hq30d
- Terms of Use:
No Copyright - United States
No known copyright restrictions.
No known restrictions on use.
- Publisher:
[Mainz] :
[Peter Schöffer]
- Language:
- Notes:
Printer's name from Incunabula short title catalogue.
Line 22: "... Geben zů Frankfurt am Neunundzweintzigisten tag des Monets Iulij Nach // Cristi gepurde Viertzehenhundert vnd im Neunundachtzigisten vnsers Reichs im vierden iaren."
- Notes (ownership):
PROVENANCE: Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy Q.406.35 pb addressed to Ludwig II Graf von Isenburg-Büdingen (1422-1511) ("Ludwig Graven zu Eysemburg.") Four-line inscription on dorse mostly erased. Various pencilled dealer's notes, with price code. Possibly the same copy offered by Jacques Rosenthal ca. 1914 (consult Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts), then offered in the May, 1929 sale of Heinrich Stiebel in Frankfurt (Joseph Baer, lot 109) and by Antiquariat J. Halle, of Munich (catalog 71, item 52). Sold at auction through Cheffins Fine Art (4 July 2019, lot 209). Purchased from Bernard Quaritch in March, 2021 (2021.12).
- Notes (acquisition):
Purchase; Bernard Quaritch; 2021; 2021.12.
- Notes (date):
[after 29 July 1489]
This date is inferred.
- Notes (citation):
Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts, 909
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M21934
Incunabula short title catalogue, im00383330
Verzeichnis der typographischen Einblattdrucke des 15. Jahrhunderts im Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation (VE 15), M-18
- Notes (object):
Printed on one side, 23 lines; type: 93G; space left blank for name of addressee; printed area: 107 x 300 mm.
COPY NOTE: Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy Q.406.35 pb with "W" at beginning of text supplied in manuscript. "Ad mandatum d[omi]ni Regis" in manuscript at end. Red wax seal with imperial arms on dorse, protected by a paper guard. Creases from folding; deckles intact; trimount watermark.
BINDING: Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy Q.406.35 pb housed inside a polyester sleeve and stored in an oversized folder.
- Identifier:
- Call #:
RARE BKS Q.406.35 pb
- Barcode:
- Primary (full resolution, uncompressed)(TIF, multi-file ZIP, 171 MB)
- Large (full resolution)(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 1.51 MB)
- Medium(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 147 KB)