Letter from Clarissa Bodwell Phelps Tryon, Farmington, [Connecticut], to Amos Augustus Phelps and Charlotte Phelps, 1823 Apr[il 14th].
Clarissa Tryon writes to her son Amos about trouble with her brother Erastus and asks for his assistance. She also writes a second brief letter to Amos' wife, Charlotte, asking about her health.
Holograph, signed.
Title devised by cataloger.
Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) manuscript composed in ink on white paper. Above the first line of the letter, there is the number "7" written in pencil and in the date, the number "14" is written in pencil. There are two different dates written on this letter. The first page of the letter states the date as "Apr[il 14th], 1823" and the fourth page states the date as "Apr[il] 1833].