Letter from Samuel Joseph May, Syracuse, [N.Y.], to William Lloyd Garrison, Dec[ember] 16. 1868
Samuel Joseph May writes William Lloyd Garrison concerning the health of Helen Garrison, about whom May states he has received varying reports regarding the state of her health. May ruminates on the words of Solomon concerning friendship, and concludes that the greatest manner of friend is a "true, affectionate wife". May asserts that both he and Garrison have had the fortune to have been "so highly blessed" in both conjugal and parental respects. May informs Garrison that he has received a letter from Garrison's son-in-law containing copies of a circular for the "American Association for the promotion of Social science", and asks that Garrison convey his thanks to Mr. Villard. May writes that he will send Mr. Villard a list of a "number of gentlemen in this vicinity" to whom he might be advised to direct his circular. May informs Garrison that the publication in the Christian Register of his "Anti Slavery Recollections" series of articles has been deferred, and that he has requested return of the manuscripts for presentation to the Independant for publication.
Holograph, signed.
Title devised by cataloger.
Manuscript annotated on recto, with "124" appearing in pencil on top-left of page.
Manuscript is dated "Dec. 16. 1868." on recto. Letter continues on "Dec. 18." starting on page no. 2.