Letter from James Miller M'Kim, Phila[delphia, Pa.], to William Lloyd Garrison, June 30 / [18]42
James Miller M'Kim writes William Lloyd Garrison concerning arrangements for the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, scheduled to take place in Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on Monday, August 7. M'Kim states his hopes for a "gatherine of the right Spirit", and expresses his conviction that they should have a strong turnout. M'Kim inquires if Garrison may lend his "presence & voice" to contribute to the meeting. M'Kim asserts that a prominent place in the proceedings will be devoted to the elaboration of the duties of the Pennsylvania states society as an auxiliary to the national organization. M'Kim requests that, regardless of Garrison's personal attendance, he use his influence to exhort other prominent abolitionist figures to attend. M'Kim stresses that they are particulary anxious to secure the participation of Frederick Douglass.