Miscellany of works of logic and philosophy : in Latin
Item Information
- Title:
- Miscellany of works of logic and philosophy : in Latin
- Title (alt.):
Organon. Latin
Isagoge in Aristotelis praedicamenta
Categoriae. Latin
De interpretatione. Latin (Boethius)
De sex principiis
Topics. Latin
De sophisticis elenchis
Prior analytics. Latin
- Title (uniform):
De fallaciis
- Author:
- Aristotle
- Translator:
- Boethius, -524
- Author:
- Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305
- Author:
- Gilbert, de La Porrée, approximately 1075-1154
- Author:
- Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
- Name on Item:
by Aristotle, Porphyry and Aquinas
- Date:
- Format:
- Genre:
Embossed stamps
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Spain
Manuscripts, Medieval--Spain
Gothic scripts
- Location:
Boston Public Library
Rare Books Department - Collection (local):
Medieval and Early Renaissance Manuscripts (Collection of Distinction)
- Places:
- Extent:
- 236 leaves : parchment, ill. ; 260 x 190 (approximately 140 x 100) mm bound to 27 cm
- Permalink:
- https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/j3863z79w
- Terms of Use:
No Copyright - United States
No known copyright restrictions.
No known restrictions on use.
- Place of origin:
- Language:
- Table of Contents:
1. fol. 1-11 Porphyry (tr. Boethius), [Isagoge] Incipit liber porfirii/ CUM Sit necessarium grisarori et ad eam quae est apud aristotiles praedicamentorum.../...eorum commitatis tradicionem.
2. fol. 11-31v: Aristotle (tr. Boethius), Praedicamenta (Aristoteles Latinus, I.1-5) Incipit liber predicamentorum/ Equivoca dicuntur quorum solum.../...enumerati sunt./ Explicit liber praedicamentorum.
3. fol. 31v-46v: Aristotle (tr. Boethius), Perierminias (Aristoteles Latinus, II.1-2) Incipit liber peryerminias/Primum oportet constituere.../... in esse contraria./ Explicit liber peryerminias.
4. fol. 46v-58: [Gilbertus Porretanus], Liber Sex Principiorum. Incipit liber sex principiorum/ FORMA EST compositioni.../...[apparently ends imperfectly, and with an incorrect rubric] suficiant./ Explicit liber peryerminias.
5. fol. 58v: blank.
6. fol. 59-81v: attr. Aquinas, De fallaciis Incipiunt fallacie. sancti tomae./ QUIA LO[GI]CA est rationalis.../... Et haec de fallaciis dicta sufficiant./ Expliciunt fallacie sancti Tomae deo gratias amen.
7. fol. 82-159v: Aristotle (tr. Boethius), Topica (Aristoteles Latinus, V.1-3) Incipit liber topicorum/ Propositum quidem negotii methodum.../...habundare dificile est [c]ontinuo. / Explicit liber topicorum.
8. fol. 160-161v: blank.
9. fol.162-183v: Aristotle (tr. Boethius), Elenchi (Aristotles Latinus VI.1-3) Incipit liber elenchorum/ De sophisticis autem elenchis.../... multas habere grates./ Explicit liber elencorum.
10. fol.184-236v: Aristotle (tr. Boethius), Analytica priora (Aristoteles latinus, III.1-4) Incipit liber priora/ PRIMUm oportet dicere circa quid.../...[ends imperfectly near the beginning of II:17] non propter positionem esse... (Aristoteles Latinus III:179:21)
- Notes:
Ms. codex.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Origin: Written in Spain (based on style of script and miniatures) in the first half of the 14th century.
- Notes (ownership):
Provenance: Scraped inscription on fol. 160, not legible under ultraviolet light.
- Notes (acquisition):
Immediate source of acquisition: Acquired by BPL in November 1939 from Hirsch, also offered in his Cat. 1 (22 August 928), in which he attributes the illustrations to an "Austrian miniaturist."
- Notes (date):
This date is inferred.
- Notes (citation):
Bond, W.H. Supplement to the Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 209.
- Notes (object):
Secundo folio: ... quidem uno solo ...
Collation: Parchment, fol. i (paper) + 236 + i (paper) ; 1-9⁸ 10⁸⁺¹ (fol. 81 is a tipped-in singleton added to complete the text) 11-19¹⁰ 20¹² 21-25¹⁰ 26³. The last three leaves are singletons that were originally the first leaves of what was likely a quire of 10, implying that seven leaves are lacking at the end; the amount of text that is lacking (Analytica priora II:18-27), would fill approximately seven leaves ; modern arabic pencil foliation in upper, outer corner of each page, corrected from 137 on. Original signatures extant on fols. 1-81, lower left corner of first verso of each quire, signed [a]-i. Quire 10 is signed "k" on the final verso of the previous quire. Some catchwords extant, lower right corner, final verso of several quires.
Layout: Single column, 19-24 lines. Bounding and ruling lines in light plummet, to edges, vertical bounding lines doubled. Some prickings preserved in outer margin for writing lines, in upper and lower margins for bounding.
Script: Written in four round proto-gothic hands in brown or black with red rubrics and headings.
Decoration: Two-line penwork initials throughout in red with brown or purple filigree or blue with red, a few slighly larger with multicolor filigree; four six-line initials in gold and colors (fol. 11, 31v, 46v, 59), diagrams throughout; four six-line historiated initials in more muted colors with leafy extensions into margins: fol. 1: Porphyry teaching; fol. 82: Aristotle teaching a young pupil (Alexander the Great?); fol. 162: two youths and two dogs; fol. 184: climbing man clothed only in breeches.
Binding: 17th-century white blind-stamped pigskin over boards, lacking upper clasps and part of lower band, turn-ins blind-stamped, paper pastedowns and endleaves with armorial watermark, rear flyleaf with countermark ICP (?), edges stained blue, brown leather spine label gilt-stamped, reads "MANUSCRIPTA/ PHILOSOPHIA/ POR FIRY ET/ ARISTO." Old shelfmark XCIV on paper label at head of spine.
- Notes (language):
In Latin.
- Identifier:
- Call #:
RARE BKS MS q Med.79
MS 1487 (no longer used)
- Barcode:
- Primary (full resolution, uncompressed)(TIF, multi-file ZIP, 34.9 GB)
- Large (full resolution)(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 316 MB)
- Medium(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 48.8 MB)