Letter from Angelina Emily Grimké, Fort Lee, [N.J.], to Anne Warren Weston, 7th Month 15 [day] [1838]
Angelina Emily Grimké thanks Anne Warren Weston for information about Mrs. Maria Weston Chapman's health. She doubts if Mrs. Chapman will suffer any loss of mental powers. She discusses the "Woman Question" and the New England convention. She is interested in knowing the details of Abby Kelley's part in the convention. Grimké asks: "Has unity of spirit been restored to the Female Society in Boston?" She describes moving into her new house before it was ready. Since she has no servants, she does all her own work. She feels "that we should show we are not ruined as domestic characters" as part of the effort to further the cause of women's rights. Grimké admits that she still has a lot to learn about cooking and housekeeping. She will not hinder Sarah M. Grimké's return to Massachusetts.