Letter from Edward Morris Davis, Philad[elphia], [Pa.], to William Lloyd Garrison, 1st mo[nth] 3 [day] 1848
Edward Morris Davis says to add his name to the circular letter in support of the Anti-Sabbath Convention. If William Lloyd Garrison needs money to help this question along, Davis can be counted on to give a donation to the Liberator and for the cause. / James Mott says that he fears that he is delinquent in paying his subscription to the Liberator. James Mott encloses "$5 for the Liberator & $10 for thy dear self, just to let thee know thou art not entirely forgotten by us, (my wife & self)." The names of James and Lucretia Mott can be added to the call for the Anti-Sabbath Convention, but they fear they may be unable to attend.
Holograph, signed.
On page one of this manuscript, there is a letter by Edward Morris Davis to William Lloyd Garrison. On page two, there is a separate note by James Mott to William Lloyd Garrison.