Holograph, signed.
William Lloyd Garrison gives instructions concerning an article on [William Starke] Rosecrans and [Robert Edward] Lee, which he submitted to Horace Greeley for insertion in the New York Tribune. If the article is is not accepted by Greeley it will be offered to the Independent by Wendell Phillips Garrison. William L. Garrison wants two baskets of peaches "suitable for preserving." Enclosed is an advertisement for a wheelchair or "Invalid's Traveling Chairs" for Mrs. Garrison, which he wants Wendell Phillips Garrison to investigate. William L. Garrison hesitates to accept invitations to lecture because of Mrs. Garrison, who cannot be left alone. William L. Garrison writes: "We are fondly anticipating the return of William and Ellie, with Agnes and baby Harry, and with them you and Lucy and Lloyd, on Wednesday next." Henry Villard is writing for the Boston Daily Advertiser and the Chicago Tribune.
Notes (citation):
Merrill, Walter M. Letters of William Lloyd Garrison, v.6, no.16.