Holograph, signed.
William Lloyd Garrison and family were very much interested in reading Francis Jackson Garrison's account of the Christmas festival in Munich and the presents given to him and Fanny Garrison Villard by her German relatives. William L. Garrison expresses his appreciation of their kindness. He thinks that Henry Villard's relatives may have had doubts about his marriage. William L. Garrison asks for a lock of hair from Emma Villard to show to Mrs. Rockwood, "a good healing medium" who can discern Emma's anemic appearance. William L. Garrison discusses the prophecies of Saunty (Mrs. Peabody?) at length. He describes the seances held at the home of Mrs. Brigham: "The medium was a little chubby girl, about twelve years old, as simple and ingenuous as possible, belonging to East Cambridge. Though these things were done in the dark, from time to time as the light was put out, yet as the company was select and above all deception, and many of these things were done at the same moment with amazing rapidity, (so that more than ninety matches were lit during the performances,) there is no accounting for them on any hypothesis of trick or collusion." George Thompson has written an account of the seances. William L. Garrison wrote two articles for the Independent urging President Johnson's impeachment. Garrison gives instructions regarding the use of certain funds. He wants Fanny Garrison Villard to continue with her piano playing. He gives advice to Francis Jackson Garrison about exercise and studying German. The weather has been severely cold and snowing steadily, with enormous snowdrifts.
Notes (citation):
Merrill, Walter M. Letters of William Lloyd Garrison, v.5, no.186.