Holograph, signed with initials.
William Lloyd Garrison asks Oliver Johnson to select and print hymns to be sung at the approaching anniversary meeting. Garrison writes: "Yerrinton says he will do the reporting for us." Garrison thinks that Prof. Day or some other colored man should speak at the morning session. Garrison will try to have the series of resolutions prepared. There is divided opinion in the Society concerning President Lincoln. Garrison has been invited to speak at the anniversary of the Women's Loyal National League, which favors J. C. Fremont for President. Garison has accepted the invitation to visit the Mendenhalls and George Thompson. Garrison will stay with John Hoppers in New York.
Includes an envelope with the delivery address: Oliver Johnson, Editor Anti-Slavery Standard, 48 Beekman Street, New York City.
Notes (citation):
Merrill, Walter M. Letters of William Lloyd Garrison, v.5, no.82.