The postscript, on page 5 of this manuscript, is by William Lloyd Garrison to Samuel Joseph May; it was once attached to Garrison's letter written on Sept. 15, 1857, Call No. Ms.A.1.1 v.5, p.49. In this postscript, he points out the paradox of Gerrit Smith's alledged admiration of Garrison and comments: "If Mr. Smith cherishes such 'admiration' of me, or of my labors, how can he reconcile it to his sense of justice to uphold such malignant enemies of mine as Julia Griffith[s] and F. Douglass?"
On pages 1-4 of this manuscript, there is a separate letter by Gerrit Smith to Samuel Joseph May, written in Peterboro, New Hampshire, Sept. 5, 1857. Gerrit Smith complains of William Lloyd Garrison holding him up "to the public ridicule and contempt." While making sacrifices for the anti-slavery cause, Gerrit Smith explains that he has always favored "compensation." He deplores the "abuse of abolitionists by abolitionists." He refers to the resolutions passed in Cleveland.