Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, etc. : in Italian with some Latin
Item Information
- Title:
- Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, etc. : in Italian with some Latin
- Author:
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374
- Former owner:
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, Earl of, 1797-1878
- Former owner:
- Barrois, Joseph, approximately 1785-1855
- Former owner:
- Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, Sir, 1867-1962
- Former owner:
- Missinisi, Vincenzo Paolino, active 15th century
- Auctioneer:
- Sotheby's (Firm)
- Date:
- Format:
- Genre:
Vellum bindings
Embossed stamps
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern)--Italy
Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy
humanistic scripts
- Location:
Boston Public Library
Rare Books Department - Collection (local):
Medieval and Early Renaissance Manuscripts (Collection of Distinction)
- Subjects:
Latin poetry, Medieval and modern
- Places:
- Extent:
- 117 leaves : Paper ; 292 x 215 (210 x 113) mm bound to 30 cm
- Permalink:
- Terms of Use:
No Copyright - United States
No known copyright restrictions.
No known restrictions on use.
- Place of origin:
- Language:
- Table of Contents:
1. fol. 1-5v (Dutschke IV-VIII): Index of first verses of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, (keyed to ff. 11-86, numbered by the same hand as 1-97) Appiè dei colli ove la bella vesta.../...Vergine bella che de sol vestita LXXXIIII.
2. fol. 6-7v (Dutschke IX-X): blank.
3. fol. 8-10v (Dutschke XI-XIII): 15th century additions, titled Manu propria francisci petrarche scripta [s]ub hac forma f. 8: Nota de Laura (see P. De Nolhac, Pétrarque et l'humanisme (Paris, 1907), II, 286-87) Laurea propriis virtutibus.../...exitus acriter ac viriliter cogitanti.
4. fol. 8: Nota de Laura (see P. De Nolhac, Pétrarque et l'humanisme (Paris, 1907), II, 286-87) Laurea propriis virtutibus.../...exitus acriter ac viriliter cogitanti
5. fol. 8: [Rerum familiarum, II:9:18-19] Hecetiam sunt verba in epistola quadam scripta ad Iacobum de Columna Bomboriensem (sic) episcopum/Quid ergo ais finxisse.../...tibi labor meus notus est. Vale" (V. Rossi, Le Familiari (Familiarium libri I-XXIV) di Francesco Petrarca (Florence, 1933-42), I:94-95).
6. fol. 8-10v: Ps. Antonio da Tempo, Vita di Petrarca Incipit vita francisci petrarche poete laureati/Petrarcho figliuolo di Parenzo.../ le pistole ad Barbatum et laffrica et septi salmi penitentionali (A. Solerti, Le vite di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio scritte fino al secolo decimosesto (Milan, 1904), 335-38; cf. G. Mezzotte, "Pier Candido Decembrio e la vita del Petrarca attribuita a Antonio da Tempo," Studi petrarcheschi, n. s., I, 1984, 211-24).
7. fol. 11-96 (Dutschke 1-86): Petrarca, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta [V]oy che ascoltatte in rime sparse di sono.../...Chacolgha il mio spirito ultimo in pace. Expliciunt fragmenta rerum vulgarium francisci petrarce poete laureati (see Dutschke for additional details)
8. fol. 96v: 15th century additions, titled Versi di petrarca sancto bernardino Si tibi clara domus.../...Sola manet virtus qua glorificaberis inde (H. Walther, Initia carminum ac versuum Medii Aevi posterioris Latinorum (Göttingen, 1959), var. of no. 18024) Si caecus claudus natus es.../...Si paciens fueris semper laudaberis inde (Walther, Initia carminum, no. 17640)
9. fol. 97-117v (Dutschke 87-107v): Petrarca, Trionfi [L]a notte che seguì l'oribel caso.../...Or che fia dunque a rivederla in cielo. Deo gratias (see Dutschke for additional details)
- Notes:
Ms. codex.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Origin: Written in Italy in the early 15th century.
- Notes (ownership):
Provenance: Late 15th-century signature "Vincenzo Paolino Missinisi," lower margin of fol. 1; early 16th-century(?) signature partially trimmed, fol. ii: "Ex libris d[?] Panz."; marginal notes throughout, especially in the Trionfi; early modern inscriptions in Italian on fol. iii and 2; notes in English on fol. i comparing this manuscript with the edition of Lodovico Castelvetro (Venice, 1756); owned by Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Barrois (1784-1855), his 1849 sale (no. 490) to Bertram, the Fourth Earl of Ashburnham (1797-1878).
- Notes (acquisition):
Immediate source of acquisition: Purchased at the Ashburnham sale, Sotheby's London, 10 June 1901, lot 466 (lot number written inside front cover) to Sydney Cockerell for the Boston Public Library (BPL bookplate inside front cover, embossed on fol. 1-3, Cockerell's notes inside front cover).
- Notes (date):
This date is inferred.
- Notes (citation):
Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, I, 922
- Notes (object):
Secundo folio: Fugendo la prigione...
Collation: Paper (with watermarks: "M" crowned, similar to Briquet 8403; three mountains similar to Briquet 11650-11658; both watermarks are of Italian origin), fol. iii + 7 + 3 +107 ; i⁴⁻¹ (1st leaf is pastedown) 1⁸⁻¹ (one leaf cancelled or lacking after fol. 7) 2³ (singletons) 3-10¹⁰ 11⁶ 12¹⁰⁺¹ (fol. 117 is tipped-in singleton) ; catchwords written in lower right corner, final verso of each quire. Several foliation schemes: original Roman numeral foliation, upper center of each recto, numbers fol. 11-36 as i-xxvi; slightly later Roman numeral foliation, upper right corner of each recto, numbers fol. 11-96 as i-lxxxvi; 16th-century Arabic foliation, upper right corner of each recto, partially framed, numbers fol. 11-117 as 1-106 (uses "105" twice); modern pencil Arabic foliation, upper outer corner of each page, those numbers used here for reference.
Layout: One column, approximately 47 lines. Bounding lines ruled by creasing or light plummet.
Script: Written in three humanistic bookhands: 1) fol. 11-96 and 97-117v; 2) fol. 1-5v; 3) late-15th-century additions, fol. 8-10v and fol. 96v. Brown ink. 6- and 8-line initial spaces left unfilled on fol. 11 and 97; stanzas begin with 3-line initials in blue with red harping or red with red harping, with some flourishes forming inkwork profiles.
Decoration: Stanzas begin with three-line initials in blue with red harping or red with red harping, with some flourishes forming inkwork profiles.
Binding: 17th-century (?) vellum over pasteboard; thin paper used for front pastedown and first two flyleaves (encircled arbalete watermark with letters FB, surmounted by a clover, probably Venetian), heavier, more modern paper for final flyleaf and pastedown, 17th-century title handwritten on spine, "PETRARCA/ Sonetti/ e/ Rime." Housed in custom blue cloth clamshell case, title gilt on spine labels, "FRANCESCO/ PETRARCA/ SONETTI E RIME" and "MS. F. Med. 27."
- Notes (bibliography):
Bibliography: Zoltan Haraszti, "Medieval manuscripts in the Library," More Books III (1928): 68. D. Dutschke, Census of Petrarch Manuscripts in the United States (Padova, 1986): no. 16; B.L. Ullman, Petrarch Manuscripts in the United States (Censimento dei codici petrarcheschi, no. 1) (Padova, 1964) (also in Italia medioevale e umanistica, v [1962], 443-475; E.H. Wilkins, "Manuscripts of the Canzoniere and the Triumphs in American Libraries," Modern Philology XLV (1947): 23-35 (updated in Wilkins, E.H. The Making of the "Canzoniere" and Other Petrarchan Studies (Roma, 1951), no. 8; Gabriella Mezzanotte, "Pier Candido Decembrio e la 'vita' del Petrarca attribuita a Antonio da Tempo," Studi Petrarcheschi. n. s., I (1984): 211-224.
- Notes (language):
In Italian with some Latin.
- Identifier:
- Call #:
RARE BKS MS f Med.27
MS G.31.78 (no longer used)
- Barcode:
- Primary (full resolution, uncompressed)(TIF, multi-file ZIP, 20.6 GB)
- Large (full resolution)(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 186 MB)
- Medium(JPEG, multi-file ZIP, 21.2 MB)