Letter from Michael Anagnos to Capt. Keller, April 9, 1889
Letter from Michael Anagnos to Capt. Keller, April 9, 1889
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Letter from Michael Anagnos to Capt. Keller, April 9, 1889
April 9th, 9 My dear Capt. Keller, Your favor of the 28th ultimo was duly received, and I was exceedingly sorry to hear of the condition of Miss Sullivan's eyes and of the necessity which compels her to leave Helen for a few months. This is very unfortunate in many respects; but we have to make the best of it. Your proposition to have Eva Ramsdell stay with you as a companion for Helen during the summer and perhaps permanently meets with my hearty approval and with that of her guardians at home. It seems to me, that this is the most satisfactory arrangement that could be made under the circumstances. Eva will be ready to start for Tuscumbia early in June. - Please accept my thanks for your kind interest in my personal health. I am glad to be able to say that I am improving slowly. The cause of my pain is some internal affection, and, in order to get rid of it, I must have absolute rest and the best medical advice. I have therefore decided to go aborad this summer and stay in Europe until I am thoroughly cured. Pray give my love to each and all and tell Helen, that I love her as dearly as ever, and that I will answer her charming letters as soon as I am able to do so. I remain, dear Capt. Keller, with renewed thanks, Ever cordially yours, M. Anagnos Capt. A.H. Keller. Tuscumbia, Alabama.