Fay King Cartoon
Item Information
- Title:
- Fay King Cartoon
- Description:
Above the cartoon is the headline: Fay King Mourns Death of Helen Keller's Friend Text: Opportunity seldom comes in rainbow hues with jingle bells. To Anne Sullivan, fifty years ago, opportunity came in a particularly sad disguise. Her childhood was unhappy. Almost sightless, she was educated in an institution for the blind. After graduating she received, through the school, an opportunity to teach a little girl who deaf, dumb, and blind, at Tuscumbia, Alabama. Anne Sullivan was 21. Helen Keller was 7. Thus began their long, inspiring association. So conscientious, faithful, patient and untiring in her efforts were the teacher, that in time the pupil could read, write, and speak. Now death has parted them. Will the devoted teacher find a way to penetrate this denser darkness, more profound silence, to communicate again with her beloved pupil? We wonder. First frame: Drawing of Anne Sullivan Macy and Helen Keller, with the text: "For fifty years the 'Perfect Teacher' and her 'Perfect Pupil' were together." Second Frame: Anne Sullivan as she was when first came to the Keller Household, presenting the young Helen Keller with a doll, and spelling the word into her hand. Text is: "Anne Sullivan was 21 and Helen Keller was 7 when they first met in 1887." Other text is: "learning the first word." Third Frame: Anne Sullivan Macy's grave, her name and the years 1866-1936 written on the headstone, along with the wreath labeled as 'the world'.
- Name on Item:
Fay King
- Date:
- Format:
- Genre:
- Location:
Perkins School for the Blind
Samuel P. Hayes Research Library - Collection (local):
Condolence Letters and Clippings
- Subjects:
Perkins School for the Blind
- Permalink:
- https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/b85164240
- Terms of Use:
Samuel P. Hayes Research Library, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA
Contact host institution for more information.
- Notes:
Black and white newspaper cartoon (unknown publication) by Fay King with three cells showing Mrs. Macy and Helen Keller Together as adults, Mrs. Macy as a young woman teaching Helen her first words, and then the Anne Sullivan Macy's grave with a wreath in front labeled "The World".
- Accession #: