Title from item. For more information regarding the modern identification of the species depicted in these prints, consult Low, Susanne M, "An index and guide to Audubon's Birds of America."
Notes (ownership):
Samuel Appleton, an original subscriber to the Birds of America died in July 1853 at which time this copy of the folio came into the possession of his nephew, Thomas G. Appleton. For further information, consult Fries, Waldemar H. "The double elephant folio: the story of Audubon's Birds of America."
Notes (acquisition):
Gift; Thomas G. Appleton; 1855
Notes (date):
Date from item.
Notes (citation):
Fries, Waldemar H. "The double elephant folio: the story of Audubon's Birds of America." American Library Association, 1973. Reprint. Amherst, Massachusetts: Zenadia Publishing Inc., 2006. Low, Susanne M. "An index and guide to Audubon's Birds of America." New York: Abbeville Press, 1988.
Notes (publications):
From: The birds of America : from original drawings, volume 4 / by John James Audubon. Each plate numbered twice: the first number, from 1 to 87 in Arabic numerals, identifies the set. The second number, from 1 to 435 in Roman numerals, appears in the upper right, identifying the individual plate. Item was issued in set number 87 with plate number CCCCXXXIII (433).