Fishing grounds on the Atlantic coast of North America
Maps showing mackerel, codfish, halibut, and inshore fisheries along the coast and a portion of the continental shelf of the Atlantic coast from Newfoundland to North Carolina. Base maps published by U.S. Hydrographic Office between 1878-1890
Map no. 1. East coast of North America, sheet IV
Map no. 2. North east coast of North America, sheet III ; North east coast of North America, sheet II
Map no. 3. The river & gulf of St. Lawrence, New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the banks adjacent, sheet II ; The river & gulf of St. Lawrence, New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the banks adjacent, sheet I.
Depths shown by soundings.
Includes notes.
Maps detached from a United States Senate document in the United States congressional serial set (Serial Set 4054 S.doc 231): Compilation of reports of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 1789-1901, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. Vol. VIII, Treaties and legislation respecting them. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1901.
"S Doc 231 56 2"--Lower right.