The Captain Iron Clad, a ship with sails and engine, but screw propeller and metal hulls. From "Every Saturday," published in Boston by Fields, Osgood and Company, dated April 16, 1870. Iron vessels have been found to remain in practically perfect condition for over 60 years; and they were lighter in weight than wooden ships; but in the 1870's steel began to be more used as lighter still and stronger. It was 1839 before the screw propelled steamship, originating in England, was first used in America; but then the U.S. Navy adopted the principle for ahead of the mercantile marine here or in England. In 1845 in England the "Rattler" with a screw was attached to the stern of the "Alecto" with the same build and power but paddle wheels, and dragged the other at 2 1/2 knots.