Frame 10
Item Information
- Title:
- Frame 10
- Collector:
- Belcher, Harry C.
- Curator:
- Belcher, Harry C.
- Date:
[ca. 1952–1974]
- Format:
- Genre:
- Location:
Weymouth Public Libraries, Tufts Library
Drawer 1 (shelf locator) - Collection (local):
Weymouth Room and Local History Collections
- Subjects:
- Extent:
- 1 frame (63 specimens)
- Permalink:
- Terms of Use:
Rights status not evaluated.
This work is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND).
- Table of Contents:
[Row 1]. 8[?]85 Callicore phlogea v. phlogeides, 284 Callicore clymena, 3886 Callicore clymena var., 3887 Callicore astala, 3888 Callicore cyllene, 1551 Perisama bonplandi v. albipennis, 3889 Perisama euriclea, 3890 Catagramma texa.
[Row 2]. 1464 Perisama calamis v. fassli, 3891 Perisama patara, 3892 Callicore meridionalis, 3893 Catagramma zelphanta, 3894 Callicore consobrina, 3895 Callicore marchalli, 3896 Callicore nystographa, 3897 Catagramma kolyma v. pasithea, 1463 Perisama priene v. boliviana.
[Row 3]. 1554 Perisama oppelli v. viridinota, 3898 Perisama oppelli, 3899 Perisama moronina, 3900 Perisama yeba, 1553 Perisama cotyora v. humbolti, [?]01 Perisama bonplandi v. lineata, 3902 Perisama clisithera, 3903 Perisama diotima.
[Row 4]. 3904 Perisama xanthica, 3905 Perisama lanice, 3906 Perisama hilara, 3907 Callicore phlogea, 3908 Perisama lebasii, 3909 Perisama comnena, 1550 Perisama chaseba v. saussuriei, 3910 Perisama bonplandii, 1209 Perisama priene.
[Row 5]. 3911 Callicore metiscus, 1060 Perisama vaninka, 1477 Catagramma hesperis m., 3912 Catagramma hesperis f., 957 Catagramma hydaspes, 1552 Perisama cecidas m., 3913 Perisama cecidas f., 3914 Catagramma excelsior.
[Row 6]. 3915 Perisama cecidas var., 1479 Callicore neglecta, 3916 Catagramma lepta, 3917 Catagramma pygas v. typhla, 3918 Catagramma pygas, 3919 Catagramma codomannus v. astarte, 3920 Catagramma pitheas m.
[Row 7]. 3921 Catagramma pitheas f., 3922 Catagramma felderi v. cajetani, 3923 Catagramma atacama, 3924 Catagramma brome, 3925 Catagramma aegina, 3926 Catagramma denina, 3927 Catagramma mionina.
[Row 8]. 1545 Catagramma cynosura m., 3928 Catagramma tolima f., 1478 Catagramma peristera, 3929 Callicore candrena, 3930 Catagramma tolima m., 3931 Catagramma cynosura f., 3932 Callicore anna?
- Notes:
Title from item.
- Notes (acquisition):
This collection was donated to Tufts Library by Harry C. Belcher.
- Notes (date):
Date from accompanying materials.
- Notes (object):
63 specimens in one frame
- Identifier:
- Primary (full resolution, uncompressed)(TIF, 95.7 MB)
- Large (full resolution)(JPEG, 8.03 MB)
- Medium(JPEG, 402 KB)