The man is not bought! : He is still in the slave pen in the courthouse... let every man attend the trial
The man is not bought!
Item Information
The man is not bought! : He is still in the slave pen in the courthouse... let every man attend the trial
This broadside publicizes the arrest of the fugitive slave Anthony Burns, who escaped from Richmond, Virginia and made his way to Boston where, on May 24th, 1854, he was arrested. While he was awaiting trial for extradition to Virginia, a large crowd of abolitionists and anti-slavery sympathizers stormed the jail in which he was held in an attempt to free him. Federal troops were eventually sent to Boston to support the extradition, and Burns was ultimately returned to Virginia. He was later ransomed from slavery, eventually obtaining an education at Oberlin College and becoming a Baptist minister.
Title from item.
Full text of this broadside reads: "The man is not bought! He is still in the slave pen in the court house! The kidnapper agreed both publicly, and in writing, to sell him for $1200! The sum was raised by eminent citizens of Boston and offered him. He then claimed more. The bargain was broken! The kidnapper breaks his agreement! Though even the United States Commissioner advised him to keep it. Be on your guard against all lies! Watch the slave pen -- let every man attend the trial!"
Notes (ownership):
Formerly owned by Theodore Parker.
Notes (date):
Date supplied by cataloger.
Notes (object):
Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy shows light ink offset and has three ink ownership stamps of the Boston Public Library, in the upper left, right, and lower right corners of the sheet.