Letter from Oliver Johnson, New York, [N.Y.], to William Lloyd Garrison, May 25, 1865
Johnson informs Garrison that "the testimony of my friends in regard to my valedictory is unanimous", and that among all his closest colleagues and peers, Tilton alone had advised against publishing the column. Johnson, however, dismisses Tilton's concerns, arguing that Tilton "does not understand and therefore cannot appreciate the situation". Johnson states that the Standard is presently supervised by "that distinguished Garrisonian Abolitionist", G.W. Smalley. Johnson states that he hopes that when Garrison gathers his thoughts to write concerning the anniversary meeting that he will not neglect to tackle Phillips's "attack upon the Standard".
Holograph, signed.
Title devised by cataloger.
Letter is addressed from "90 E. 12th St., New York".
Letter terminates abruptly mid-sentence. The remainder can be found under call no. MS A.1.2 v.34, p.56A.