Letter from Hopeful Toler, Washington, [D.C.], to Amos Augustus Phelps, 1846 Aug[us]t 20
Hopeful Toler writes to Amos A. Phelps enclosing a letter (not included) from "Mr. Stowe" about securing the $100 loan Phelps seeks in Albany. He asks Phelps to write him once a week about Ann and says he "hope[s] to go for Ann in Sept[ember]." Toler also describes a trunk he has sent to Phelps, containing Ann's clothes, books, and a letter from his daughter, Charlotte. He then tells Phelps "that Ann has been vaccinated with Cow-Pox ... but that she has never had Whooping Cough, Measles or Scarlet Fever."
Holograph, signed.
Title devised by cataloger.
Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) manuscript composed in black ink on blue, lined paper with an embossed oval logo in the head- spine corner. Adjacent to the salutation, towards the spine edge of the page, the number "93" has been drawn in pencil. On the second page, under the signature and along the spine edge, the phrase "Hopeful Toler, Washington, Aug 20/46" has been written in ink, vertically, facing the fore edge of the page.
Cataloged sgellerman