Letter from Prudence Crandall, Elk Falls, [Kan.], to William Lloyd Garrison, April 20th 1879
Prudence Crandall Philleo informs William Lloyd Garrison that she re-read his memorial to his late wife, Helen, and states that his letter to her for her 50th birthday brought her to tears. Philleo comments that there exist "but few such perfect unions" as did between Garrison and his wife. Philleo inquires if Wendell Phillips' lecture on the "Lost Arts" has been published. Philleo comments on how "many many of [Garrison's] early coworkers have gone to the high life". Philleo states that she finds it natural that Garrison would interest himself on the side of Woman Suffrage, and states her interest in the "Boston lady workers", particularly in Julia Ward Howe's work on "the Peace Question". Philleo comments on the influx of Southern freedmen into Kansas and Indian Territory.
Holograph, signed.
Title devised by cataloger.
Manuscript annotated on recto, with "72" in pencil beneath Philleo's salutation to Garrison, and "Crandall" in pencil beneath Philleo's signature.