International races at Marblehead. Elizabeth Hovey sails her own boat (19 year old daughter of Chandler Hovey; sailed her father's Oriole in the 30 square meter trails at qualified to sail it as one of the 3 American boats against the German and Swedish teams in August.)
International races at Marblehead. Elizabeth Hovey sails her own boat (19 year old daughter of Chandler Hovey; sailed her fathers Oriole in the 30 square meter trails at qualified to sail it as one of the 3 American boats against the German and Swedish teams in August.)
Item Information
International races at Marblehead. Elizabeth Hovey sails her own boat (19 year old daughter of Chandler Hovey; sailed her father's Oriole in the 30 square meter trails at qualified to sail it as one of the 3 American boats against the German and Swedish teams in August.)