[Recto] [Offertorium. Iubilate deo universa terra...e]ius venite et narrabo.../...anime mee alleluia./ Co. Dicit dominus implete ydrias aqua et ferte ar/ [Verso] chitriclino.../ ...primum coram discipulis sius./ Dom. iiia Introitus/ Adorate deum...
Ms. leaf.
Second and Third Sunday after Epiphany, Mass.
Title devised by cataloger.
Origin: Written in Italy, possibly Florence, in the first half of the 15th century.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Notes (ownership):
Provenance: Original red Roman foliation, upper center verso, "xliiii" ; Remnants of blue mounting tape at corners.
Notes (acquisition):
Source of acquisition: Acquired in 1957 from Olschki, Florence.
Notes (date):
This date is inferred.
Notes (citation):
Bond, W.H. Supplement to the Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, p. 221
Notes (object):
Script: Written in a Gothic rotunda in black ink with red rubrics.
Layout: 1 column, 8 staves. Bounding and writing lines in light plummet. Square Gregorian notation on a four-line red staff.
Decoration: Verso: two-staff high historiated floriate initial in gold and colors, an angel at prayer.
Binding: Tipped into a heavy matte with mylar window, in an oversize folder.
Call #:
RARE BKS MS pb Med. 190
BPL MS 1616 (no longer used)