[Recto]: ...[resur]gam. Iube ergo custodiri... / ...lapidem cum custodibus. [Matthew 27: 63 - 66]/
[verso]: Feria tercia secundum marchum/Passion domini nostri... / Erat pascha et... / ...et scribe quomo[do] [Mark 14:1]
Ms. leaf.
Title devised by cataloger.
Origin: Written in Flanders in the late 15th century.
Bibliographic record created by BPL staff based on description by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis.
Notes (acquisition):
Source of acquisition: Acquired in 1957 from Sandbergs Bokhandel, Stockholm, their label in the upper margin of the recto.
Notes (date):
This date is inferred.
Notes (citation):
Bond, W.H. Supplement to the Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, p. 221
Notes (object):
Script: Written in a Gothic rotunda in black ink with red rubrics.
Layout: 1 column, 7 staves. No visible ruling. Square Gregorian notation on a five-line red staff.
Decoration: On the verso, a four-staff high golden floriate initial on blue with gold foliate highlights, historiated with the Betrayal: Christ in a crowd of Roman soldiers, Judas embracing him; at the left, Peter holds a sword above the prone Malchus. Full border in similar color scheme with trompe-l'oeuil effects, a suderium on a golden shield in the center of the upper, right and left margins, suderium in the lower margin on a cloth held aloft by two angels.
Binding: Housed in an oversize folder.
Call #:
RARE BKS MS pb Med. 186
BPL MS 1612 (no longer used)