Letter from Edward Matthews, to Mary Anne Estlin, 1855 Feb[ruary] 8th
Edward Matthews writes to Mary Anne Estlin in regards to reading John Bishop Estlin's statement in the Advocate on a "glowing tribute" paid to the American Antis-Slavery Society as well as Mr. Thompson's speech as reported in the Empire. He writes his disapproval of John Bishop Estlin removal of Mr. Thompson's remarks made at the Conference in his statement. He writes, "I believe that Mr. Thompson did speak of the praise worthy conduct of the American Anti-Slavery Society and that he wished to have an appearance from the New Broad St. Committee that it would be faithful to those who are labouring faithfully for the deliverance of the Slave." The New Broad St. Committee ordered 500 copies the Empire containing a report of the meeting. He writes that Mr. Thompson is unbiased by this but Matthews believes there was "some danger unperceived by himself of its affecting the report."